Earlier this summer my friend Larry and I successfully completed our Master Hunter certification

Hunting season for me may start with Sage Grouse in September, provided I draw a tag. My friend Dan, his son and I put in together so we'll see. Jet is still pretty much retired and will not go with us for this hunt due to the typically scorching heat. Just not worth taking the chance with her health and ageing hips. She will however go with me for some evening September Dove hunts. Those I am more able to keep a close eye on her activity and physical abilities should she have problems.
I did draw a rifle buck tag for early October but no tag for Elk, which leaves me hunting the general rifle season come mid November. I did consider archery which starts September 1 but opted to keep cycling for that month. Just having to much fun riding this summer to call it quits so early. It is a short cycling season here in the high desert anyhow, and riding indoors is not nearly as enjoyable to maintain my fitness and motivation. Waterfowl season also starts in October and I hope to have a buck hanging at my house or in the freezer by the time I reach for my steel shot and decoys.
Not much else going on right now just getting ready and staying busy as best I can. I will be posting more often come next month and the start of hunting season. Thanks for sticking around and I hope you all are enjoying a wonderful summer.
Women's Hunting Journal Integrity For The Hunt