These photos are from a very old book titled The Duck Hunter's Bible by Erwin A. Bauer. Some of these old photos are just priceless. Does this fellow below in the barrel remind you of anyone in particular? Elmer Fudd comes to my mind.
Watch that muzzle!

I like these gentlemen with the painted landscape scene. Especially their little peep hole, not that they have a roof overhead. . .

These 2 fellows, I just don't know about. I am sure they had some great stories to tell. Gives a whole new meaning to pass shooting, and what about retrieving those ducks?
I think Kristine at Gun Safety Innovations might have a thought or two about these fellows.
Women's Hunting Journal Integrity For The Hunt
All I can say is that the guys in the trees don't look very safe. Wouldn't they spook the ducks as well?
I love old photographs - and I love to see how our hunting ancestors did it back in the day! Those bottome two photos do lead to some questions!
Kristine I couldn't have said it better myself! As for spooking, maybe it was early season when the ducks weren't so educated and wary.
I do love the old books, as well, as the tips and techniques are tried and true. One point of note, is that the photograph of the well painted landscape is actually a mirror blind...yes, pass the windex...Phil
Phil, Ahhaaa, that makes sense now. Thanks for the clarification. I wonder if those would work now? Have you ever hunted from one?
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