I mentioned awhile back that I was looking for a handgun for predator protection during my upcoming bow elk hunt. Well I was fortunate enough to meet up with a friend who knows way more about guns of all kinds than I will ever know in my lifetime. So I was in good hands when we went shooting. After some general discussion about calibers, gun weights, loads etc. and just how much power you need for predator protection, we commenced to start firing. We started with 38 cal. revolvers and worked our way up to the 44 Magnum. Several well known companies were represented and after the smoke settled I was partial to the Taurus model 425T. A 41 Mag
Moving right along now. My friend Dan and I did make it to the Klamath Basin weekend before last for some general cleaning and deer scouting. Success on both fronts. We managed to do such a good job last year that there was little left for this year. We did do some Knapweed eradication and a few minor odds and ends with the cabin. Not to mention a bunch of European Starlings jamming up the damper on the wood stove pipe. In fact it was so bad we had to take the pipe apart and then go dump them out. It was a case of dumb following dumber and even dumber down the pipe. No nest was even built. They just packed themselves on top on one another and then couldn't get
A couple of the fields were flooded and the Canada Geese and hundreds of puddle ducks were having a great time resting there overnight and then departing at daybreak to the neighboring grain fields for the day. There were also White Faced Ibis enjoying the water as well as several pairs of Sandhill Cranes. What a treat. We did have a couple really fine meals too. I took my 50Th. birthday limit of Snipe and we bbq'ed them one night and the next evening we bbq'ed wetlands buck backstrap. Wow, what a great way to bring in the upcoming hunting

It wasn't til the next morning that we saw the bucks, oh yes the boys are BACK! That sure makes me happy considering I've got a deer tag for that unit. Just hope they stick around. I am pretty sure that the big 4 x 4 is the same one I saw last year. This year he has another young buck hanging by his side. We had taken our shotguns with the intentions of throwing a few clays but, after seeing the bucks we opted not to disturb them. I am hoping to get back there sometime in mid September just to take another look. The rifle deer season opens October 3.
Now the really exciting news is that our bow elk season is opening this Saturday morning. Can you say anticipation? Oh my how the natives are getting restless. The area I am hunting is the same that I have rifle hunted for the pat three years. Figured maybe if I change up the weapon and time of year that my luck will change too. So far my practicing has gone well and continues to. This will be my first time archery hunting elk during the rut and I am so excited. Hopefully things will get cooking in the mid to latter portion of September. I remain cautiously optimistic in my somewhat blissful ignorance. Realizing full well that there is so much to learn. A lifetimes worth and then some I imagine. Gotta start somewhere, so here I go.
I'll keep you updated as the elk season progresses and I want to wish the rest of you good luck with your hunts too. Also a special shout out to Rick at Whitetail Woods for his 1 year anniversary and wonderful prizes, thank you in advance. Thanks also goes to Gary at Base Camp Legends for his help and support for the upcoming elk hunt.
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