Yep, that's right, over the hill, the big fifty, as in 5-OHMG! I made it and boy what a memorable 50th. birthday it was with my best (4 legged) friend Jet. As you all know the weather has been anything but "ducky" this season and the past weekend was no exception. The low temp down to 23 degrees and the afternoon highs around 50 or so. Just cold enough to put a thin covering of ice along the edge of the
Klamath River and a little thicker ice layer in the ditches. Plus she had her new vest that was a birthday gift from my friend Dan. Lucky dog. Oh, and he gave
me 2 boxes of steel shot #7's too. Thanks Dan, we both loved our gifts!
It was Jet and I on another all woman hunt. We got up earlier than needed, excited as usual. Jet is always happy to get up early and eat a bowl of chow, then catch another hours sleep before heading out. Such a Lab! So it was and we left the cabin at 0625 and got into position at what we call, Porto's Point along the banks of the
Klamath River. So named for a member who loved to hunt divers there. Anyhow, the weather was clear and a thin skin of ice paralleled the banks of the river. Varying in width from 15 to 50 feet or so depending on the prevailing current. Thankfully the ice was thin enough for Jet to swim through and other than being cold, didn't pose a safety risk to her. So we were in position for yet another, golden sunrise along the banks of the Klamath River.
A pair of
Scaup whizzed over the water just out of range as the sky began to lighten. Just about

shooting time and the next fly by was going to be sighted at the end of my barrels. BOOM, BOOM ahh sh--! Scaup I missed, darn it. The next was a single about 20 feet high out over the river. A big duck, and as I squeezed the trigger and it dropped stone cold dead I was scratching my head as to what species? Ummm I thought, white breast, dark upper with white wing patches, yet not a Merg; Oh it's a
Drake Goldeneye! Wow what the heck are they doing here so early I wondered to myself? There must have been a cold snap way up North for them to be here already. Good enough, I am all to happy to have Goldeneyes around. The next fly by was a pair of hen Buffs (
Buffleheads) just off the deck by about 10 feet high, I missed my first shot and got'em both on my second. Known as a "French double", why? I have no idea. On with my story. . . More
Buff's flying low. Dropped a single then another French double. This time a hen and a drake Buff, very cool. Jet was doing great with the 6 swimming

retrieves so far. It was approaching 0900 and I was getting hungry and thinking about heading back to the cabin. Discussing my thoughts with Jet (this is a team effort, you know) she was in agreement. Just then here came another whistler (Goldeneye) and I whirled around just in time to drop my second Goldeneye of the day and season. This time a hen, wow a pair of
Common Goldeneyes. What a fantastic morning hunt and it wasn't even o930 yet. It doesn't get any better than this I thought.

A limit of divers and we didn't put even a single decoy in the river. That was pretty cool, plus Jet got to field (swim) test her new vest and found it to her liking. Especially on the last few ducks she was getting a bit tired. They were long swims for her. So we enjoyed our casual walk along the river dike heading back to the cabin. Jet was running up and back and happy to be moving again. Also she was quite pleased with her performance, and rightly so. She still doesn't like sitting in one place very long. At least not until about day 3 when she is tired. Then she's happy to lay down and sleep through most of the hunt. That is until there's a retrieve to be made, then she will gladly pitch in.
So we got back to the cabin and I made some coffee and gave her a light snack. Then spent some time processing the mornings bounty and appreciating the hunt. After that I fixed myself a nice Venison backstrap brunch with some eggs, home fried poatatoes, toast and another cup of strong coffee. This is what we call; Pig Out and Pass Out, for obvious reasons. None the less it is getting on about 12:30 and I still have my afternoon Snipe hunt to get ready for.
Don't go far, part 2 is just around the bend.
Pt. 2Women's Hunting Journal Integrity For The Hunt
Happy Birthday, belated though it may be. Sounds like you had a good day and a great hunt. And Jet looks very stylish in the vest too.
Happy birthday!
Sounds like a great way to spend it, out on the water chasing birds. I need to get out and do that too, and soon!
By the way, I've always heard it called a Scotch Double, but maybe French Double is a regional thing? Learn something new all the time.
Enjoy the next 50!
Look forward to part 2 - it already sounds like an awesome birthday!
Thank you for the birthday wishes!
Kristine, have you got your "40" things selected yet? I am pondering "50", thank you very much! LOL
Philip, it may well be called a "Scotch Dbl", or perhaps as you suggested a regional name, will try to learn more and get back to you.
Tom, nothing short of an exceptional day in the field!
Happy birthday! Nice to see a fellow diver lover. Lots of people down our way sneer at them.
Holly and I are going on our first-ever snipe hunt this weekend -- any tips?
Thank you HAGC! As for Snipe, well get yourself a large burlap bag and go way out . . . Just kidding.
1st. I would make sure you have plenty of shells. You can never have to many.
2nd. Open chokes are helpful, even skeet chokes.
3rd. Walk slowly and deliberately
4th. Point and shoot,don't think about it, just do it. If you try to lead and swing they'll have changed direction by the time your on them.
5th. Patience, in the beginning they will try to come back to where you flushed them. Don't rush to where they landed. Eventually they will get up further and further away because of the pressure.
6. When you do drop one, DO NOT TAKE YOUR EYE OFF where it landed! Not even for a second.Mark it and go directly to that spot, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00. They blend in better than you can possibly imagine.
That's all, have fun and good luck. If you think shooting Doves is challenging, this raises the bar another notch for sure! Let us know how you do.
Congrats on a wonderful birthday and a wonderful hunt! Sounds like a very lovely day spent with your companion in the field.
Happy Birthday! Is it today or the other day? Sounds like you enjoyed your birthday doing what you love doing.
Thanks for the Birthday wishes Hunter's Wife, the truth be known it was this past Saturday.
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